Some systems are experiencing issues

About This Site

This status page will automatically update as long as MonitorLizard runs on the main server. It may mark services as having an outage, it may post updates about running backups, updates about running updates, or other relevant information.

This status page will be up even if the main server isn't, but if the main server is down, this page may show outdated data (fix is WIP).

Automated Mastodon Status Messages (runs on main server)

Stickied Incidents

21st March 2024

nginx frontend randomly crashing/quitting

Nginx appears to randomly.. gracefully quit and sit there doing nothing. I'm still investigating, I'll keep this incident open so that if everything is randomly offline again you'll know why.

Past Incidents

5th September 2024

running quick update across everything*

*except mastodon. gitlab will be updated last due to it being a bit of a snowflake.

  • and done. let me know if anything is still broken.

  • upgrading gitlab now

  • nextcloud is busy with its upgrading and taking a bit longer than usual

  • everything but gitlab got updated. waiting for it to quiet down a bit now. did see some error about seafile.. might have to look into that later (did they change or move the manifest?)

  • 2nd September 2024

    saw there was a mastodon update

    figured I'd instal it before bed. it should only take a few minutes with my current automation (I just have to manually start the automation, which I already did)

  • everything appears to be up and running and reporting 4.12 as it should be. Let me know if you run into any issues.

  • and everything is starting up again, should be back up soon.

  • building.. iirc this takes about 10-15 minutes, we're about 500 seconds in

  • 16th August 2024

    Quick manual update across all containers

    Running a manual update across all containers. Starting with everything besides gitlab and mastodon, then I'll do Mastodon, and finally Gitlab.

  • everything should be up and running, and up to date again.

  • Done with mastodon, Gitlab next

  • base things are upgraded, going to update mastodon now

  • 28th July 2024

    running quick update

    just updated gitlab to latest version successfully, now updating the rest of the services, mastodon will be the last one.

  • everything should be back up.

    Some Matrix users are reporting issues with Librewolf, monitoring if the issue is more widespread, contact me if you run into problems

    edit: be sure to have the latest version installed if you run into problems

  • oh it came up? .. lol well the script is still running so expect another restart

  • ... aaaand sidekiq and web are having issues.. nothing weird in the logs? guess I'll give it another try

  • everything but mastodon had an update. Time to try my new automated mastodon update script..

  • Related Mastodon account